What I love most about the ending of one year and the beginning of another, is counting all the blessings that the past year has held and all the new and exciting things that await. Every year has its challenges. We try to focus on so many things throughout the year, and start so many projects, that it becomes nearly impossible to carry them all on, and that’s okay. It is alright to feel overwhelmed at times, but what really matters is your determination to finish what you started. I am here to help you stay organized and keep your priorities in-check.

At the beginning of this year we did a major rebranding to our website and committed to starting a blog. I promised myself that I would blog every single week. I had no idea what I was getting into, or what topics I would blog about. The same week we revamped our website, I gave birth to our son. So, here I was working “two” jobs and trying to succeed in doing both. It wasn’t easy, but I was determined to keep my promise. Here is how I did it! I hope these tips will help and encourage you to finish every little project you are excited about starting in the new year.
 notebook blog ideas


1. Plan ahead.
I keep a list of topics I want to blog about in my planner and it is always sitting on my desk next to my computer. My computer is my bread and butter. I do most of my work on my MAC, whether it is editing a wedding, posting an online gallery, blogging, creating and ordering albums, literally everything. So, every time I come up with a blogging idea, I am usually sitting right there in front of my computer. I usually write it down in my planner to save it for later and revisit the idea when the time comes. This way, I am always sure that I am not stuck when trying to come up with a blog post. It is SUCH a life saver!


2. Build a routine.
I wanted to blog at least once a week and thought that was an achievable goal, so I decided to blog every Friday. As a first time mommy, I knew I had to dedicate most of my time to my little baby, and definitely didn’t want my job to rob me from the joy of spending time bonding with my little boy. Building a routine helped me organize my time in an effective way. To me, it was all about planning in order to stay efficient. I usually picked my topic on Mondays and allowed myself time to write Tuesday-Thursday. I knew that my blog post had to be ready by Thursday night so that it could go live at midnight. This is just what worked for me, so I followed this recipe faithfully. Of course, I would like to start blogging more frequently, but for now, this is what I consider a realistic posting frequency.


3. It’s OK to miss a day.
You might think to yourself “I thought this post was about how NOT to miss a deadline” and you are completely right. It is! Be ready to prepare for those busy weeks when life just gets so crazy that you really can’t find any time for blogging. Believe me, it happens. Accept it, and prepare for it! How? Schedule posts in advance for those day when you don’t have time to update your blog. Take advantage of the option to schedule posts in advance that most website platforms offer. Create enough content on those days that you have some extra time on your hand. Remember my #1 tip on blogging? Exactly, if you keep all your ideas in your little notebook, you won’t get stuck on what topics to write about. Always, and I can’t stress this enough, ALWAYS have a safety net.


BONUS TIP: Challenge yourself.
I have decided to start a Project 365 in January. The project 365 is simply a photography project to take a picture each day for a year (and share it with the world). What better way to polish my photography skills than committing to using my camera daily? I know it is not going to be an easy project to follow through, but I am determined to make it work. There, I said it. Now that it is “online” I’ll HAVE to make it work. I am really excited about starting this project and sharing part of my crazy everyday life with the online world. If you would like to follow me through this new journey, make sure to follow me on Instagram, as that is where my project 365 will take place.




  1. What a great post! One of my 2015 goals is to blog more consistently so planning ahead is definitely key :) I will be starting another Project 365 in January as well so I look forward to following yours! Good luck, it is an incredibly rewarding experience!

  2. Abbie says:

    GREAT post! I really need to follow this and get more on top of blogging!

  3. […] Are you starting your own photography business? Are you working on a marketing strategy? Are you starting a blog? Remember not to give up when the road seems steep. It will be so much more rewarding to look back […]

  4. Loving my 365 project! I think you will too. It becomes such a habit and is pushing me further in my skill set. Good tips about blogging!!

  5. Yes this will be more then helpful me as I haven’t blogged most of 2014 and want to get back on track for 2015.

  6. Chantal says:

    Good luck on your 365 project! I did one in 2014 and found it very challenging but also so rewarding!! can’t wait to follow along with it!

  7. Kudos to you for coming up with a plan and sticking to it!! I’m not nearly as motivated or as organized as you are ;) Good luck with the 365! I look forward to following!

  8. I definitely plan on doing a better job of being proactive on my blog this year! Great post!

  9. Jenny says:

    Great tips! Happy New Years!

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