Date Night in Box: Reviewing the Throwback Box

For our Date Night in Box this month, we received a fun throwback box full of 80’s and 90’s goodies. I know I probably say this every month, but this one was my favorite box yet!

We started by making some delicious freeze pops by using the kit that came in the box. We were supposed to freeze them for two hours, but we had so much fun that we forgot to take them out at the end of the night. That’s ok though, because they made for a delicious treat for the kids the next day. They LOVED them!

After we were done with the freeze pops, we opened our Poprocks and ate them while going over the table talk. Every box we’ve received so far came with a table talk guide that gives us fun prompts to start meaningful conversations. They challenge us to go deeper than our everyday conversations which we really love! This month’s table talk was all about our early years which brought back so.many.memories! We had a good laugh about all the funny childhood memories we shared with each other.

Next, we tried the Trivia activity that came with our box. Tim got quite a few of them right, but since I grew up in Europe, I didn’t really know many of them. It was still a fun activity though! After this, we played M.A.S.H. which was my favorite activity from this month’s box. We used to play this growing up, so we really took a trip down memory lane with this one. The M.A.S.H. game really got us dreaming about all the things!! Here are the categories we had to fill in:

Dream Vacation
Retirement Location
Relationship Goals
Long-Term Personal Goals

We ended our date night in with “Rad Truth, Dare or Karaoke”. This was probably the most fun activity of the night. I gotta say, I was quite impressed with Tim’s air guitar and moonwalk renditions. We had a good laugh and it was the perfect way to end the night!

The box included several other activities that we decided to skip this time:

Set the Mood – our own custom Spotify list with fun throwback tunes.

Complimentary Dinner Menu – we had dinner as a family so we skipped their dinner menu, but it looked absolutely delicious, so we’ll probably revisit this later.

Ways to Continue Your Date Night – the Night in Box team always includes fun ways to continue your date night by suggesting fun activities and movies to watch.

Overall, we had a blast on our date night in. It’s so convenient if you have kids, but we highly recommend it to all our dating friends as well. If you want to give it a try, click on the link below and use the code “NIB2FREE” for two FREE dates with a 6 or 12 month subscription. You won’t be disappointed, we promise!

Also, if you are a parent, you should definitely try the Kids Night In Boxes. They are fantastic and will keep your kids entertained for an hour… or two! :)



date night in box

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