How to Attract More Photography Clients in Less Time

If you need help on how to attract more photography clients in less time, then you’re in the right place!


At the time I’m posting this, I’m on a mission trip in Romania with my family. I don’t know what it’s like where you live, but it was pretty cold in Virginia when we headed to the airport last week.


Romania missions trip

So, why do I tell you this?


Because, while I may be out of the country right now with limited internet access, I am still booking weddings on autopilot…


… WITHOUT me actually being in the office.




I’ve been on a mission trip for the past week, yet my website is still generating inquiries without me actually answering emails.


Would you like to know how I do it?


Brides visit my website everyday. But the truth is… they also visit other photographers’ websites as well, trying to make a decision whose work they love the most and who they should inquire with first.


So, how does my website stand out from the crowd?


No, it’s not my pretty pictures… although they do count, of course. It’s the fact that I’m offering a free gift for any bride that lands on my website. What this does is increases the like, know, and trust factor before they even have a chance to inquire with me.


Here’s a peek at the home page of my website. Since I work with both brides and photographers, I have a free gift for each of them.

How to Attract More Photography Clients in Less Time

Today, I’m going to show you how to set up a “freebie” on your own website and give you access to my exact email templates for free. Not only that, but you also have my permission to use them word for word if you wish. Pretty cool, right?! Now, if I were you, I would still tweak them a little bit to make them sound like YOU and not use the exact same verbiage as another photographer in your area.


Click here to download the guide! 





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