How to Overcome Self-Doubt in Your Photography Business

Let’s talk about how you can overcome self-doubt in your photography business! I believe self-doubt finds its way into the back of our minds quite often. Have you ever thought to yourself that you were not good enough, that your work was not good enough, or that your sessions are not as pretty as so-and-so’s?


Can I tell you a secret?


When I first started out, I was literally embarrassed to call myself a photographer. I cared too much about what the people around me would think if I created a Facebook page called Alina Thomas Photography, let alone a website.


I would quietly submit my pictures to various contests and oddly enough, they’d get picked over and over again. When they’d ask for my website or social media handles, I’d pause and say I don’t have any. 


That’s when I told myself that I needed to get over my fear of being criticized and that my work was good enough. I was good enough! 


That’s when I decided to create a social media presence, build a website, and put my work out there for the world to see.


If you’ve ever felt like you or your work are not good enough, here are three ways you can overcome self-doubt!


1. Remember that practice makes perfect 


Take an honest look at your work now, revisit past work, and acknowledge the improvement you’ve made. You’re going to be surprised how far you’ve come since you first started out. And remember… your work will only get better as you move forward! It is completely unfair to compare your beginning to someone else’s middle. Instead, carve time in your day to practice and hone your craft everyday. This step will take time, but I am confident it will help you overcome your self-doubt. You can totally get to where you want to be!


2. Remember your why


If you don’t have your WHY clearly defined yet, take the time to figure it out. Making ends meet is at the core of everyone’s business, but I want to encourage you to go beyond that. What made you fall in love with photography in the first place? When you know your purpose, you find motivation to succeed in everything you do. Really take the time to create a mission statement for your business. You’d be surprised what a difference it makes!


3. Remember that you’re not alone


Everyone has had self-doubt thoughts creeping in at one point or another. The easiest way to deal with this is by finding an industry friend that is at a similar stage in their career as you are. Having someone to bounce ideas off of can be extremely beneficial. Post in a Facebook group and ask for feedback on your work, join a local meet-up group, or do a mentoring session with someone you admire. These are all great ways to overcome any roadblocks that may come your way at one point or another. 


If there’s one thing I want you to take away from today’s training, it’s this:


Don’t let your self-doubt hold back your photography business!


“There are people less qualified than you doing the things that you want to do simply because they decided to believe in themselves.”


You have a special gift that only you can share with the world! I’m cheering you on, always!




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