I have found the one whose love is unconditional. I have found the one who brings the best out of me. I have found the one who always has a big smile on his face and tells me everything will be all right. I have found the one who brightens my day every morning. I have found the one who understands me even when I don’t make any sense. I have found the one whose arms make me feel safe and secure. I have found the one who is better than the best.

I have found the one whom my soul loves!

Yesterday I shared a piece of what it means to be married to this amazing man with some fellow photographers. I posted a picture of the most recent gift my hubby gave me, and the response was HUGE! Hundreds and hundreds of people commented saying how amazing my husband is. And you know what? HE TRULY IS! He is the most selfless person I have ever met. Here are a few quotes from my peers that caught my attention (and made me giggle a little):

“Cool camera but let’s face it… there are more important issues at hand here… like, oh idk… can you clone your hubby?”

“Your Husband Is A legend! Stay married like this and you’ll scavenger hunt to lens, flashes, tripod heck macs haha”

“Sweetest thing I have seen all week, actually made me tear up. Love it!”

“My pregnant-self just teared up. Lucky and loved woman, you are!”

“Wow, this is amazing. Not the gift (well that too) but the thought that went into it and the time, you are very blessed and loved.”

“Hold on to that man tightly!!!!! That’s a keeper!!”

“I always scan for crafty comments, my mind is out the gutter now […] ooh boy, bar is raised haha”

“Where is the workshop class to teach husbands to do this????”

“That is AMAZING. Congrats on the great choice in husband and on the new camera!!!”

“Well, he gets the husband of the year award!!!”

“Whoa! Happiest ending to a diaper change ever! Your husband is amazing!”


alina thomas photography

If you are still confused as to what happened, here is the full story!

“My diaper is actually fine… Let’s have a scavenger hunt!” This is the note I found while trying to change my baby boy’s diaper. Hubby insisted it was a really bad diaper too. After reading the note and the first clue, I went on trying to find all the other ones. Little did I know what I was going to find in the end would be a gift I would have never dared to ask for. I thought he probably made me lunch or something, and he just chose a really fun way to tell me. On weekends he makes me breakfast before I even wake up (this mommy likes to sleep in). So I finally get to the first clue in the kitchen. I look around, and I realize I was wrong. I don’t see any lunch so I get confused. I keep searching, and when I got to the last clue, it said: “You use me to eat cereal out of”. I head over to the kitchen cabinets to find a bowl, I open the door and WHOOOA! There she was! My beautiful Nikon D810… I was speechless for a moment, and needless to say, I started tearing up. And it wasn’t even my birthday. Yes, my hubby is just awesome like that!

Side Note: I was totally not expecting such a huge gift as he had just bought me a 27’’ iMac a few months before. My business is flourishing because of HIM. All the hard work I put into my photography business would seriously be nothing without his support. I am blessed beyond measures!

To all the couples out there — give much, expect little and love each other unconditionally. I have found the one whom my soul loves!




  1. Lori says:

    Best husband ever!

  2. Wow! I wish my hubby enjoyed games like that!!

  3. Chantal says:

    awr how sweet!! How blessed are you to have such a set husband!!!

  4. Melissa Avey says:

    Aw that is so wonderful :)

  5. amanda Reid says:

    What an Amazing Scavenger Hunt! With a great ending too!

  6. Seriously SUCH a SWEET blog post. Congratulation on your great catch and new present!!


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