
What to Post on Instagram Stories Daily

What should I post on Instagram stories?


When I first read this question, I wasn’t sure that I was the best person to answer it because the truth is that I don’t use Instagram stories to its full potential. However, when it comes to strategy, you know that I have it all nailed down. With a math and computer science background, I like to break down even the most complex strategies into small, easy to implement steps. Applying those steps, like many other photographers, is what I struggle with because there are only but so many hours in a day. Some days I show up 100%, while others I give myself grace because social media will still be there tomorrow and I can always pick up where I left off.


If you feel like social media is overwhelming, but if you had a plan you would totally execute it, then this blog post is for you. When it comes to Instagram stories, EVERYTHING is content. From sharing what you had for breakfast this morning, to posting professional work, anything goes. Really! So what are some things that you could post on Instagram stories daily? So glad you asked!


1. Personal Content

Stories are a great way to connect with your audience on a personal level. People like taking a peek inside someone else’s life. The best thing is that stories don’t have to look professional at all. The more informal, the better! Do you have a daily routine? Your favorite drink in the morning, favorite skin care products, what you’re cooking for dinner are all things that you can share about. Add in a poll or question box and you’re more likely to increase your engagement.


what to post on Instagram stories daily


2. Your Work

Do you have a new blog post coming up? Share about it in your stories. Are you delivering a gallery this week? Share a screenshot or video of what it looks like. Share all the sneak-peeks you can, multiple times a week. Just because you shared it once, it doesn’t mean that you can’t share it again. Not all of your followers see everything you post, and they certainly don’t see it the first time you post about a topic. You can use Canva to display your work in an elevated way. Below are some examples of what this could look like.


what to post on Instagram


3. Behind-the-Scenes

While personal content can be considered behind-the-scenes content, sharing behind-the-scene footage or photos from your weddings and sessions is just as powerful. I use this phone holder to record my BTS footage while shooting. People love seeing how things are done or created. This is your chance to be relatable while showing off your craft!


phone holder for taking behind the scene videos



You can share or reshare someone else’s quotes that you love!. Instagram has a special button for sharing posts to stories which you should totally take advantage of! It’s an easy way to share content!


5. Reels

While you can share your posts in your stories (and you absolutely should), sharing your reels is far more powerful. Did you know that the views your reels get in your stories count towards the number of views your reel gets overall? So if your reels needs a little boost, posting it in your stories should totally help.


If I were to follow a plan for posting on Instagram stories, this would be it! If you posted one of these a day, you’d have content for an entire week. Or if you wanted to take it to the next level, you could post all 5 suggestions each day and make it your daily routine.




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